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List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers

Renault Magnum WGM FH59 (2008-)
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Renault Magnum Integral 390 WGM N483 (-)
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Renault Magnum WGM 3E27 (2011-)
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Renault Magnum WGM MY96 (-)
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Renault Magnum DXi WGM 6V01 (-)
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Renault MagnumVF617GSA000007572 200620102017WB 71115 (2006-2010)
WGM TJ67 (2010-2017)
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Renault Magnum 480 DXi WGM 18616 (-)
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Renault Magnum 480 DXi WGM VF22 (-)
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Renault Magnum 480 DXi WGM 1X31 (-)
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Renault Magnum 480 DXi 2021WGM 0201C (2021-)
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Renault Magnum 480 DXiVF617GKA000027136 201220122014WGM 2X01 (2012-2014)
SB 7584M (2014-2018)
DJE 37M7 (2018-)
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Renault Magnum 480 DXi WGM 1328G (-)
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Renault Magnum 500 DXi 2010WGM 8321F (2022-)
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