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List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers

Volvo FH12 420 Globetrotter KR 152NR (-)
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Volvo FH12 460 Globetrotter KBR 15FG (-)
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Volvo FH12 380 KBR S071 (-)
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Volvo FH12 420 Globetrotter KBR 83HY (-)
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Volvo FH12 380 Globetrotter KBR 82HY (-)
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Volvo FH12 460 Globetrotter KBR X734 (-)
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Volvo FH12 420 Globetrotter KBR 39UK (-)
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Volvo FH12 420 Globetrotter KBR W519 (-)
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Volvo FH12 380 Globetrotter KBR 49GX (-)
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Volvo FH12 420 Globetrotter KBR 2C42 (-)
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