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List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers

Volvo FH12 380 Globetrotter IYV2A4DMA7YB254734 200020072008RBR 69FT (2007-2008)
RSA 47SF (2008-)
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Volvo FH12 420 Globetrotter XL IYV2A4B3C6VB164946 19962008CE 507 JM (1996-2008)
RBR 64KJ (2008-)
RBI E077 (2008-2008)
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Volvo FH 460 Globetrotter XL III 20102013?RBR 00850 (2013-?)
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Volvo FH12 460 Globetrotter II YV2AP40A35B409479 20052008CT 913 NK (2005-2008)
FG 58546 (2008-2009)
KR 798KW (2009-2013)
RBR 42YL (2013-)
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Volvo FH12 6x4 II 2003?2008?RBR 20KC (2008-?)
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Volvo FH12 440 Globetrotter IIYV2A4CEA44B357502 20042021201120218845 CWB (2004-2011)
RBR 79WK (2011-2021)
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Volvo FH IV 6x4YV2RT40D2HA802800 20172017RBR 15496 (2017-)
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Volvo FH Globetrotter III 20092020?RBR 30688 (2020-?)
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Volvo FH 440 Globtrotter IIYV2AS02A48B526433 200820172022EB-562-CL (2016-2017)
RBR 17598 (2017-)
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