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Mercedes-Benz Actros 1844 LH MP3 #ZS 9310V
10211 Mercedes-Benz Actros 1844 LH MP3 #ZS 9310V
Wyprodukowany: 2011
Elmex Logistic Groupe Sp. z o.o. - Swarzędz
Autor: 8239 plcenzoredytorRSS (0)Dodano: 2012-07-04 10:48:52
Miasto: Mszczonów / Mazowieckie
Szerokość: 900, Wysokość: 600Rozmiar pliku: 175.83kB
2 lipca 2012 - Mszczonów, rondo u zbiegu DK50 i DK8.
pl gt


  • mohammed (77.30.71.*) (2015-04-11 23:11:22.459191)

    im mohammed from Saudi arabai im looking to buy trucks form your company pls inform us if you have 1- Mercedes Actors' 1844.1841 any year 2009..2011 We prefer to buy at least 20 ..25 trucks and more. We are serious about our request please contact with us . Please contact us if you have any trucks for sale Currently or Future ksa797@yahoo.com

  • mirekmiraspl cenzoredytor(2015-04-12 11:02:44.407915)

    Please make an offer to the owner of the truck. Our website is not a broker trucks.

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