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Mercedes-Benz Actros 1845 StreamSpace MP4 #TJ337
33127 Mercedes-Benz Actros 1845 StreamSpace MP4 #TJ337
Jeronimo Martins Polska S.A. - Kostrzyn
Autor: Tomek94 plRSS (0)Dodano: 2017-05-12 10:36:40
Miasto: Łagiewniki / Dolnośląskie
Szerokość: 1024, Wysokość: 683Rozmiar pliku: 506.02kB
9 maja 2017 - Sieniawka, DW 384.
pl gt


  • Lada 2101 (*.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (2017-05-12 11:30:05.849771)

    Dzień dobry! I have a question: I already have an account on phototrans.eu and want to regristrate on trucks.phototrans.eu. I have a photo to upload for registration but the vehicle is not yet listed on trucks.phototrans.eu . Could you please list a Multicar M25 with the registration plate DD-HR 34 at an unkown owner in the city of Dresden (Drezno)? So I could upload a picture and install my account here. Dziękuję!

  • Tomek94pl (2017-05-12 20:46:39.115313)

    Hello If you have an account on the bus part then it is on the truck you have from the vending machine. One password works in two parts and you can add vehicles yourself if they are not available but for me it is not a problem so I will always be happy to help. Here you have a link to this multicar. http://trucks.phototrans.eu/15,307090,.html

  • Lada 2101 (*.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (2017-05-12 22:20:58.63908)

    Cool thanks

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HTML: <a href="http://trucks.phototrans.eu/14,33127,0,Mercedes_Benz_Actros_1845_StreamSpace_MP4_TJ337.html"><img border=1 src="http://trucks.phototrans.eu/images/photos/external/250/33127.jpg" alt="Taken from transport.wroc.biz"></a>
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