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User Statistics:
List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers
RSA 28273
Iveco EuroCargo ML80E18 IZCFA80A00V2205825 199620162016WSR 5395 (1997-1998)
WZC 685K (1998-2009)
KWI 14246 (2009-2016)
RSA 28273 (2016-)
RMI 60657 (2016-2016)
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RSA 51046
Iveco EuroCargo MLC120E25 IIZCFA1EJ0302503366 200720092009DN-HI 4806 (2007-2008)
PGN 275AK (2008-2009)
RZ 0882C (2009-2013)
RMI 12324 (2009-2009)
RSA 15466 (2013-2020)
RSA 51046 (2020-)
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