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User Statistics:
List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers
PZ 3715K
Iveco EuroCargo 100E18 MLC II PZ 3715K (2008-)
565 (-)
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RZ 58246
Iveco EuroCargo 120E15 RZ 58246 (-)
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WB 9492K
Iveco EuroCargo 180EZCFA1TJ04E2621342 20152015WB 9492K (2015-)
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WGM 2L21
Iveco EuroCargo 120EL22 WGM 2L21 (-)
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WM 6958C
Iveco EuroCargo 120EL22 ?WM 6958C (?-)
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WOT 4N78
Iveco EuroCargo 160E25 WOT 4N78 (-)
582 (-)
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