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User Statistics:
List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers
1L0 9602
Liaz 111.800TNG111800J2FB0148 198819881L0 9602 (-)
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3L3 1385
Liaz 111.811TNL111811M2FJ0026 199219922016E02 4969 (2016-)
3L3 1385 (-2016)
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JN 73-41
Liaz 111.811 19921992JN 73-41 (-)
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JN 73-44
Liaz 111.811 JN 73-44 (-)
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JN 78-66
Liaz 111.811 JN 78-66 (-)
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