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User Statistics:
List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers
1Z2 0203
Tatra T815-2 TERRNo1 S45 1Z2 0203 (-)
68 (-)
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3Z2 7741
Tatra T815-2 3Z2 7741 (-)
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ZLJ 74-73
Tatra T815-2 TERRNo1 S25 ZLJ 74-73 (-)
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ZLL 88-50
Tatra T815-2 TERRNo1 S25 ZLL 88-50 (-)
58 (-)
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ZLL 88-60
Tatra T815-2 TERRNo1 S25 ZLL 88-60 (-)
59 (-)
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