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User Statistics:
List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers
OEW 5807
КамАЗ 5511 198619862015OEW 5807 (-)
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OGL C338
КамАЗ 5511 198619862015OGL C338 (-)
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OGL C339
КамАЗ 5511 198719872015OGL C339 (-)
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OGL C340
КамАЗ 5511 198619862014OGL C340 (-)
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OGL C639
КамАЗ 5511 198719872015OGL C639 (-)
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OGL K679
КамАЗ 5511 198419842014OGL K679 (-)
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OGL P442
КамАЗ 5511 198719872014OGL P442 (-)
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OGL W089
КамАЗ 5511 19812015OGL W089 (-)
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