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User Statistics:
List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers
FZ 9130M
Scania R450 CR20H II 2019FZ 9130M (2019-)
085 (2019-)
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PO 2JE67
Scania R450 CR20H II 20182018PO 2JE67 (2018-)
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PO 4JF22
Scania R450 CR20H II 20182018PO 4JF22 (2018-)
061 (2018-)
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PO 7HS03
Scania R450 CR20H II 20182018PO 7HS03 (2018-)
095 (2018-)
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PO 8FX92
Scania R450 CR20H II 20182018PO 8FX92 (2018-)
089 (2018-)
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WGM 43M8
Scania R440 Streamline CR19H WGM 43M8 (-)
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