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List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers

Scania R 420 2022DSW 77804 (-2022)
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Scania R410 2016DSW GX55 (-)
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Scania R420 CR19HXLER4X200B5256623 201120162024DSW 55518 (2016-2024)
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Scania R450 Streamline CR19T 20172023DSW 2760C (2023-)
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Scania R410 Streamline CR19T 20162021DSW MJ75 (2021-)
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Scania R450 CR19T 20182024DW 8YW32 (2024-)
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Scania R450 CR20H II 20182024DW 2XE43 (2024-)
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Scania R450 Streamline CR19T 20152019DSW KG46 (2019-)
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